An English Lit student on a mission. Bubbling with enthusiasm, getting stuck in, unafraid of trying new things. I am based in the U.K., graduating from the University of Sheffield in summer 2013 and trying to gain as much experience as possible in the publishing industry. This blog is just one of the ways I am advancing my writing, researching and web-based skills for a career in such a field. I'm also partial to netball, Tess of the d'Urbervilles and anything with chocolate on (within reason).
You might be wondering, perchance, how a blog of such kind came about? Well, wonder no more and allow me to set the scene for you.
Long, long ago, in the June of 2012, a young girl named Stephanie Bryant had completed her second, and penultimate year at the University of Sheffield. After putting down pen for her final exam, Stephanie rejoiced at the thought of exchanging her exam fatigued, cooped-up existence for a summer of languid liberty and home comforts. However, it was not long until the utter ecstasy began to fade, and the pangs of restless boredom crept in. As a woman who strives for success, this lethargy did not last. A task was in order, nay! a quest! So the challenge was set: three hundred and sixty five days of blog posting. It was (and is to this day), albeit, a lengthy, and sometimes burdensome, task. Nevertheless, the hope was there that Stephanie could reach out and enlighten the hearts and minds of the blogging community, whilst simultaneously developing her passion and skills as a writer (plus it looks good on her CV).
That's pretty much what happened, although a little less epic.
Please get in touch if you have any comments or suggestions for my blog. Although being a final year student is certainly putting a strain on the blog, I am always trying to improve!
Check out my Google+ profile here.