Tuesday, 2 October 2012

October 2nd: The 30th Birthday of the CD

30 years too old for the CD?
30 isn't everyone's favourite birthday, but this may be especially the case for the Compact Disk. The Sony CDP-101 was released on October 1st 1982 in Japan, which subsequently launched the CD. In its heyday, the CD was a futuristic, shiny, exciting new storage device. They were portable, easy to use, and often included little booklets of album art and lyrics (yay!). However 30 years on, this enthusiasm for the CD has somewhat dwindled. Everything is now available in digital downloads now thanks to revolutionary programmes such as iTunes and Spotify. Is it time for us to let go? Or should we help the CD cling on for a few more years of life - it's only 30 after all!
   With every technological advancement that comes by, it seems to be getting more and more clear that digital is the future. Although there is still a market for CDs, this is rapidly shrinking as it is mainly comprised of music veterans and people who are intimidated by new technology. Even when gift buying now, when you would once buy someone a CD for Christmas, you can now buy an iTunes gift card - although they're not half as fun to unwrap on Christmas morning! For hardcore music lovers, it is tempting to 'stay loyal' as it were, and buy the physical CD album from the high-street, because that's what a 'true fan' would do. But for the rest of us, i.e. the majority, our fast-paced hectic lifestyles have no time for shopping anymore, and value convenience, ease and speed wherever possible. Why get dressed and go to HMV to buy a CD when you can stay in bed and download it to your laptop? This is the tough competition that the CD is facing.
   Tumble weed has practically blocked the entrances of music shops all over the world, and it's looking like we're just going to have to come to terms with the CD's demise. I hope that CD does not die out completely, nothing can beat the aesthetically pleasing CD collection on your wall and the fold-out posters inside the cover! What do you think? Do CDs seriously need to up their game at 30 years old, or is it useless? Are you  team CD or team digital?

Interested in the fate of the CD? Click here to read my article where I discuss the uncertain future of the Compact Disc in the music industry, courtesy of We Are Unseen webzine.

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